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2Zhou, Sheng-Huo;Huang, Shu-Ting;Xu, Ning;Chen, Liang-Wang;Chen, QiangApplication of the WeChat Platform to Implement Continuous Nursing for Patients After Percutaneous Coronary InterventionMedicine, Research & ExperimentalMEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR1.9181.98426/10.12659/MSM.925444
3Yu, Jia Mi;Zhan, Zhou Wei;Zhen, Jing Xian;Wang, Xiao Jie;Chen, Yu;Lin, Jing;Chen, Ling;Chen, Li Zhu;Huang, Yu Fang;Guo, Zeng QingClinical Characteristics and Prognostic Analysis of Patients With Signet Ring Cell Gastric CarcinomaOncologyTECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT2.0741.8719/10.1177/1533033820983812
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5Chen, Li-HongA standardized pathological proposal for evaluating microvascular invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter study by LCPGCGastroenterology & HepatologyHEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL5.1024.151//10.1007/s12072-020-10111-4
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13Cheng, Jun;He, Jun;Wang, Shanshan;Yan, Haidan;Guan, Qingzhou;Li, Jing;Guo, Zheng;Ao, LuBiased Influences of Low Tumor Purity on Mutation Detection in CancerBiochemistry & Molecular BiologyFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES4.188/7/10.3389/fmolb.2020.533196
14Chen, YiTherapeutic Efficacy of a Trichinella Spiralis Paramyosin-Derived Peptide Modified With a Membrane-Targeting Signal in Mice With Antigen-Induced ArthritisMicrobiologyFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY4.2354.92611/10.3389/fmicb.2020.608380
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20Cai, PingpingTargeting MicroRNA-125b Promotes Neurite Outgrowth but Represses Cell Apoptosis and Inflammation via Blocking PTGS2 and CDK5 in a FOXQ1-Dependent Way in Alzheimer DiseaseNeurosciencesFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE3.9214.43814/10.3389/fncel.2020.587747
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23Miao, Chenfang;Zhang, Yalan;Huang, Zhengjun;Weng, ShaohuangPositively Charged and pH-sensitive Carbon Dots for Fluorescence Detection of Copper IonChemistry, MultidisciplinaryBULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY0.6110.527//10.1002/bkcs.12178
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48Wang, Jia-Bin;Li, Ping;Xie, Jian-Wei;Lin, Jian-Xian;Lu, Jun;Chen, Qi-Yue;Cao, Long-Long;Lin, Mi;Liu, Li-Chao;Lian, Ning-Zi;Huang, Chang-Ming;Zheng, Chao-Hui;Zheng, Qiao-Ling;Yang, Ying-HongAn immune checkpoint score system for prognostic evaluation and adjuvant chemotherapy selection in gastric cancerMultidisciplinary SciencesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS12.12113.6111110.1038/s41467-020-20260-7
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50Chen, QinOn-Site Colorimetric Detection of Cholesterol Based on Polypyrrole NanoparticlesNanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, MultidisciplinaryACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES8.7588.901124954426-54432
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