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发布时间:2023-05-26   浏览次数:16
1Ding, Yihang;Tu, XiankunA Self-Assembled Copper-Selenocysteine Nanoparticle for Enhanced Chemodynamic Therapy via Oxidative Stress AmplificationMaterials Science, MultidisciplinaryACS MATERIALS LETTERS11.17541237-1244
2Fang, Zhuoqun;Zhang, Haoruo;Gao, Hangqi;Chen, Caixiang;Wang, Dezhi;Chen, Penghong;Tang, Shijie;Li, Junjing;Chen, Xiaosong;Qiu, ZhihuangA multifunctional hydrogel loaded with two nanoagents improves the pathological microenvironment associated with radiation combined with skin woundsEngineering, Biomedical; Materials Science, BiomaterialsACTA BIOMATERIALIA10.633159
3Guo, JianThe association of homocysteine level with the risk of diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy in NHANESEndocrinology & MetabolismACTA DIABETOLOGICA4.087

6Dai, Hanhao;Song, Chao;Deng, Zhibo;Wu, Yijing;Xu, Jie;Luo, JunHierarchically Injectable Hydrogel Sequentially Delivers AntagomiR-467a-3p-Loaded and AntagomiR-874-5p-Loaded Satellite-Cell-Targeting Bioengineered Extracellular Vesicles Attenuating SarcopeniaEngineering, Biomedical; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, BiomaterialsADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS11.092

7Peng, Kaiming;Lin, YuxiangPower-Law-Based Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique on Imbalanced Serum Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Data for Cancer ScreeningAutomation & Control Systems; Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; RoboticsADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS7.298

8Wang, ZihuaA Totipotent All-In-One Peptide Sequentially Blocks Immune Checkpoint and Reverses the Immunosuppressive Tumor MicroenvironmentChemistry, Multidisciplinary; Chemistry, Physical; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed MatterADVANCED MATERIALS32.08635210.1002/adma.202207330
9Wang, Jia-Bin;Qiu, Qing-Zhu;Ye, Yin-Hua;Li, Ping;Xie, Jian-Wei;Lu, Jun;Chen, Qi-Yue;Cao, Long-Long;Zheng, Chao-Hui;Huang, Chang-Ming;Zhao, Ya-Jun;Lin, Jian-Xian;Zheng, Qiao-Ling;Yang, Ying-HongTumor Immunophenotyping-Derived Signature Identifies Prognosis and Neoadjuvant Immunotherapeutic Responsiveness in Gastric CancerChemistry, Multidisciplinary; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, MultidisciplinaryADVANCED SCIENCE17.521

10Zhang, Huarong;Yan, Haidan;Ao, Lu;Wu, Junling;Liu, Yijuan;Jiang, Zhiyu;Lin, Jie;Zhou, Weixin;Zeng, Yongbin;Ou, QishuiIdentification reproducible microbiota biomarkers for the diagnosis of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomaBiotechnology & Applied MicrobiologyAMB EXPRESS4.12613110.1186/s13568-023-01539-6
11Lin, KaiyangPrognostic value of gut microbiota-derived metabolites in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionNutrition & DieteticsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION8.4721173499-508
12Lin, Chunlan;Yu, Yaohua;Wu, Qinghua;Lin, ShenxianApplication of a new tracheal inducer to therapeutic flexible bronchoscopy for airway management: a case reportOncology; Medicine, Research & ExperimentalAMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH3.941521469-1472
13Lin, Yuxin;Wang, Meihua;Cao, YingpingEstablishment of reference intervals for plasma metanephrines in seated position measured by LC-MS/MS and assessment of diagnostic performance in pheochromocytoma/paragangliomaMedical Laboratory TechnologyANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY2.587

14Shi, Yi;Huang, Rongfang;Chen, GangClinical Genetic Features and Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in HER2-Low Breast Cancers: A Retrospective, Multicenter Cohort StudyOncology; SurgeryANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY4.339

15Miao, Liyan;Wang, Yuping;Wang, Denggui;Zhou, Min;Chen, QiuchunEffect of intraperitoneal infusion of ropivacaine combined with dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy: a single-center randomized double-blinded controlled trialObstetrics & GynecologyARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS2.493

16Dai, Yongmei;Huang, Junpeng;Xie, Li;Lin, Jianfang;Jiang, Guicheng;Chen, Wenhan;Chen, Qianshun;Huang, ChenIdentification of key pathways and genes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma based on WGCNAOtorhinolaryngologyAURIS NASUS LARYNX2.119501126-133
17Zhang, Yiping;Yu, Yilin;Xu, YuanjiAnchoring Filament Protein Ladinin-1 is an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment and Cold Tumor Correlated Prognosticator in Lung AdenocarcinomaBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Genetics & HeredityBIOCHEMICAL GENETICS2.22

18Chen, Meng-Bing;Wang, Rong;Lin, ChangOridonin employs interleukin 1 receptor type 2 to treat noise-induced hearing loss by blocking inner ear inflammationPharmacology & PharmacyBIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY6.1210
19Xu, ZhenshuMyeloid-derived suppressor cells: key immunosuppressive regulators and therapeutic targets in hematological malignanciesOncology; Medicine, Research & ExperimentalBIOMARKER RESEARCH8.63311110.1186/s40364-023-00475-8
20Huang, Dandan;Xu, Dafen;Chen, Wenxin;Wu, Ruimei;Wen, Yujuan;Liu, Ailin;Lin, Liqing;Lin, Xinhua;Wang, XuewenFe-MnO2 nanosheets loading dihydroartemisinin for ferroptosis and immunotherapyMedicine, Research & Experimental; Pharmacology & PharmacyBIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY7.419161
21Huang, Lixiang;Dong, Binhua;Sun, PengmingADCY7 mRNA Is a Novel Biomarker in HPV Infection and Cervical High-Grade Squamous Lesions or HigherBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Medicine, Research & Experimental; Pharmacology & PharmacyBIOMEDICINES4.75711310.3390/biomedicines11030868
22Gu, HongbinEffect of interactive, multimedia-based home-initiated education on preoperative anxiety inchildren and their parents: a single-center randomized controlled trialAnesthesiologyBMC ANESTHESIOLOGY2.37623110.1186/s12871-023-02055-7
23Huang, Xiaoxue;Zheng, Zhiyuan;Zheng, Hao;Lin, Zhuangbin;Song, Jianyuan;Li, Anchuan;Xu, Benhua;Zheng, Rong;Zeng, Bangwei;Yang, Yinghong;Xiao, Han;Chi, PanImpact of glucocorticoids on the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and survival of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer: a retrospective studyOncologyBMC CANCER4.63823110.1186/s12885-023-10592-0
24Liao, Cheng-Yu;Wang, Dan-Feng;Jiang, Bin-Hua;Huang, Long;Lin, Tian-Sheng;Qiu, Fu-Nan;Zhou, Song-Qiang;Wang, Yao-Dong;Zheng, Xiao-Chun;Tian, Yi-Feng;Chen, ShiOptimization of a laparoscopic procedure for advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma based on the concept of waiting time: a preliminary reportOncologyBMC CANCER4.63822110.1186/s12885-022-10323-x
25Huang, FengDetermining the survival benefit of postoperative radiotherapy in patients with pT1-3N1M0 rectal cancer undergoing total mesorectal excision: a retrospective analysisGastroenterology & HepatologyBMC GASTROENTEROLOGY2.84723110.1186/s12876-023-02697-4
26Zhu, Yuanchang;Zhao, Zeyi;Thandar, Mya;Cheng, Junhao;Chi, Pan;Huang, ShenghuiExpression patterns and prognostic value of key regulators associated with m7G RNA modification based on all gene expression in colon adenocarcinomaGastroenterology & HepatologyBMC GASTROENTEROLOGY2.84723110.1186/s12876-023-02657-y
27Huang, Jie-feng;Lian, Ning-Fang;Lin, Guo-Fu;Xie, Han-Sheng;Wang, Bi-Ying;Chen, Gong-Ping;Lin, Qi-ChangExpression alteration of serum exosomal circular RNAs in obstructive sleep apnea patients with acute myocardial infarctionGenetics & HeredityBMC MEDICAL GENOMICS3.62216110.1186/s12920-023-01464-4
28Chen, Ning-XinSclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation of the spleen: multimodality imaging features and literature reviewRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingBMC MEDICAL IMAGING2.79523110.1186/s12880-023-01008-3
29Zhong, ZhenyeComparative effectiveness of three treatment options for slade and dodds grade III-IV scaphoid nonunion: a retrospective studyOrthopedics; RheumatologyBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS2.56224110.1186/s12891-023-06320-1
30Shi, Tengbin;Chen, Zhi;Wang, Zhenyu;Liu, Wenge;Hu, Dingxiang;Li, WenwenDoes type 2 diabetes affect the efficacy of therapeutic exercises for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis?Orthopedics; RheumatologyBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS2.56224110.1186/s12891-023-06305-0
31Zheng, PingpingThrombocytosis in patients with spondyloarthritis: a case-control studyOrthopedics; RheumatologyBMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS2.56224110.1186/s12891-023-06304-1
32Zhu, Yifang;Zhang, Jiani;Li, Qiaoyu;Lin, MinAssociation between gestational weight gain and preterm birth and post-term birth: a longitudinal study from the National Vital Statistics System databasePediatricsBMC PEDIATRICS2.56723110.1186/s12887-023-03951-0
33Chen, XiaoliThe risk factors for Group B Streptococcus colonization during pregnancy and influences of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on maternal and neonatal outcomesObstetrics & GynecologyBMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH3.10523110.1186/s12884-023-05478-9
34Lu, Lin;He, Lidan;Hu, Jifen;Li, JianhuaAssociation between very advanced maternal age women with gestational diabetes mellitus and the risks of adverse infant outcomes: a cohort study from the NVSS 2014-2019Obstetrics & GynecologyBMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH3.10523110.1186/s12884-023-05449-0
35Wu, Jing-Ling;Jiang, Xiu-Min;Lin, Yan;Zheng, Qing-XiangThe mothers' breastfeeding behaviour within six weeks postpartum: new scale development and psychometric validation studyObstetrics & GynecologyBMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH3.10523110.1186/s12884-023-05439-2
36Teng, Wenhao;Liu, Wenju;Jiang, Jianping;Chen, Meimei;Zang, Weidong;Liu, JingfuShort-term outcomes of reduced-port laparoscopic surgery versus conventional laparoscopic surgery for total gastrectomy: a single-institute experienceSurgeryBMC SURGERY2.0323110.1186/s12893-023-01972-1
37Dang, X.Synovial fluid neutrophil extracellular traps could improve the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infectionCell & Tissue Engineering; OrthopedicsBONE & JOINT RESEARCH4.41122113-120
38Huang, Zhi-Wei;Zeng, Hui-Xue;Huang, Ya-Ping;Wang, Tie-Zhu;Huang, Wen-Sen;Huang, Yan-Fei;Lin, Li;Li, HaoThe relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and circulating tau levels: A meta-analysisBehavioral Sciences; NeurosciencesBRAIN AND BEHAVIOR3.40513410.1002/brb3.2972
39Zhang, JingThe prognostic value of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, programmed cell death protein-1 and programmed cell death ligand-1 in Stage I-III triple-negative breast cancerOncologyBRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER9.075

40Chen, Yan;You, Yiqing;Wu, Jing;Lin, Shujing;Cui, Zhaolei;Wu, Qiaoling;Sun, YangPerformance of a PLK1-based immune risk model for prognosis and treatment response prediction in breast cancerOncologyCANCER MEDICINE4.711

41Fu, Changde;Huang, ZhiyangEffectiveness and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in advanced upper tract urothelial carcinoma: A multicenter, retrospective, real-world studyOncologyCANCER MEDICINE4.711

42Zhang, Wei;Zhang, Zhichao;Xiao, Weixiong;Wang, Yiqian;Ye, Liefu;Wei, Yongbao;Luo, MinMultiple directional DWI combined with T2WI in predicting muscle layer and Ki-67 correlation in bladder cancer in 3.0-T MRIOncologyCANCER MEDICINE4.711

43Yao, Yib2-microglobulin functions as an endogenous NMDAR antagonist to impair synaptic functionBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Cell BiologyCELL66.8518651026-+
44Ye, Keng;Chen, Zhimin;Xu, YanfangThe double-edged functions of necroptosisCell BiologyCELL DEATH & DISEASE9.68514210.1038/s41419-023-05691-6
45Huang, Wu-QingDipyridamole enhances the anti-cancer ability of aspirin against colorectal cancer by inducing apoptosis in an unfolded protein response-dependent mannerOncology; Cell Biology; PathologyCELLULAR ONCOLOGY7.051

46Chen, Weizhi;Wei, Yiliu;Wu, QiaoyiDeciphering the molecular mechanism of the THBS1 gene in the TNF signaling axis in glioma stem cellsCell BiologyCELLULAR SIGNALLING4.85106
47Lu, Shiyun;Lin, Zhihui;Lin, Yun;Shi, BingSensitive and Label-Free Electrochemical Immunosensor for Alpha Fetoprotein Based on N-Doped Hollow Nanocarbon Spheres Decorated with Gold NanoparticlesChemistry, MultidisciplinaryCHEMISTRYSELECT2.30781310.1002/slct.202204101
48Lin, Jinyan2D graphene oxide-L-arginine-soybean lecithin nanogenerator for synergistic photothermal and NO gas therapyChemistry, MultidisciplinaryCHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS8.45534310.1016/j.cclet.2022.05.091
49Mao, YinjunImmunogenicity and reactogenicity of heterologous immunization schedules with COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review and network meta-analysisMedicine, General & InternalCHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL6.133136124-33
50Li, Yuan-Zhe;Wang, Yi;Liu, Wen-Xi;Lai, Qing-QuanRSU-Net: U-net based on residual and self-attention mechanism in the segmentation of cardiac magnetic resonance imagesComputer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Computer Science, Theory & Methods; Engineering, Biomedical; Medical InformaticsCOMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE7.027231
51Ye, ZaishengDeAF: A multimodal deep learning framework for disease predictionBiology; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Biomedical; Mathematical & Computational BiologyCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE6.698156
52Huang, Huaqing;Cai, Xintong;Wu, Qiaoling;Lin, Yibin;Liu, Bin;Lin, Jie;Lin, Jiexiang;Zhang, KailinA novel five-gene metabolism-related risk signature for predicting prognosis and immune infiltration in endometrial cancer: A TCGA data miningBiology; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Biomedical; Mathematical & Computational BiologyCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE6.698155
53Lin, Jianwei;Chen, Jing;Ye, Yaling;Zhuang, Yafeng;Sun, Weiming;Chen, Jinghua;Han, ZhizhongIn or on, a study of the influence of the binding site for TiO2 and MIL-101(Cr)Chemistry, Inorganic & NuclearDALTON TRANSACTIONS4.569

54Zhang, Tao;Chen, Kangyao;Wu, XingPreparation of nanofibrous poly (L-lactic acid) scaffolds using the thermally induced phase separation technique in dioxane/polyethylene glycol solutionPolymer ScienceDESIGNED MONOMERS AND POLYMERS3.71826177-89
55Bai, Xuefeng;Ma, Jiangxin;Wu, Xiaohong;Zhang, Haibin;Huang, Huibin;Chen, Xiaoyu;Qiu, Lingling;Huang, RongfuImpact of Visceral Obesity on Structural and Functional Alterations of Gut Microbiota in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Pilot Study Using Metagenomic AnalysisEndocrinology & MetabolismDIABETES METABOLIC SYNDROME AND OBESITY3.24916
56Wang, Rong;Wang, Wen;Li, Da-Zhou;Liu, Gang;Jiang, Chuan-Shen;Lin, Xia;Zeng, Xiang-PengTcf21 Alleviates Pancreatic Fibrosis by Regulating the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transformation of Pancreatic Stellate CellsGastroenterology & HepatologyDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES3.487

57Chen, SunhuiAdvances in natural small molecules on pretranslational regulation of gluconeogenesisChemistry, Medicinal; Pharmacology & PharmacyDRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH5.004

58Wang, Qi;Zhao, Aili;Xu, Qian;Liu, Weili;Zhang, Nan;Wu, Siyi;Chen, Yiqin;Wang, Wenxiang;Sun, Yan;Cai, Xuefen;Yu, AiliHigh dietary copper intake induces perturbations in the gut microbiota and affects host ovarian follicle developmentEnvironmental Sciences; ToxicologyECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY7.129255
59Guo, Jianhui;Yang, Le;Zhou, Jungu;Xu, Xingyan;Lin, Shaowei;Xie, Xiaoxu;Wu, Siying;Huang, Shuna;Li, HuangyuanAssociation between polyfluoroalkyl substances exposure and sex steroids in adolescents: The mediating role of serum albuminEnvironmental Sciences; ToxicologyECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY7.129253
60Chen, Gang;Wang, JianchaoTargeting WDxR motif reprograms immune microenvironment and inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma progressionMedicine, Research & ExperimentalEMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE14.26

61Jiang, Zhengrong;Huang, Linghong;Chen, Lijun;Zhou, Jingxiong;Liang, Bo;Bai, Xuefeng;Wu, Lizhen;Huang, HuibinCircular RNA profile in Graves' disease and potential function of hsa_circ_0090364Endocrinology & MetabolismENDOCRINE CONNECTIONS3.221111110.1530/EC-22-0030
62Xue, Liang;Yang, YongkaiChange in the pituitary stalk deviation angle after transsphenoidal surgery can predict the development of diabetes insipidus for pituitary adenomasEndocrinology & MetabolismENDOCRINE CONNECTIONS3.221111110.1530/EC-22-0187
63Xu, Tingting;Ye, Xiaoying;Lu, Xiaoli;Lan, Guohui;Huang, Zelin;Wang, Tinggui;Wu, Jieyu;Zhan, Zhiying;Xie, XiaoxuAssociation between solid cooking fuel and cognitive decline: Three nationwide cohort studies in middle-aged and older populationEnvironmental SciencesENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL13.352173
64Jiang, Han;Lin, JunqingCarbon nanomaterials: A growing tool for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitusEnvironmental Sciences; Public, Environmental & Occupational HealthENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH8.431221
65Xu, Miao;Peng, Hewei;Hong, Qizhu;Rao, Zhixiang;Peng, Xian-eSpatial distribution and influencing factors of thyroid cancer hospitalization rate among rural residents in Fujian Province, China from 2012 to 2016Environmental SciencesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH5.19

66Hong, Huihong;Wang, Zhiqing;Chen, Lianglong;Tu, ShengxianRadial wall strain: a novel angiographic measure of plaque composition and vulnerabilityCardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsEUROINTERVENTION7.72818121001-+
67Chen, Yi;Lin, Liyu;Rao, Siyi;Cui, Jiong;Wan, Jianxin;Tao, XuanComplement C3 mediates podocyte injury through TLR4/NF?B-P65 signaling during ischemia-reper fusion acute kidney injury and post-injury fibrosisMedicine, Research & ExperimentalEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH4.98128110.1186/s40001-023-01054-1
68Zhang, Shangming;Chen, Qizuan;Xian, Liang;Wang, ShousenAcute subdural haematoma exacerbates cerebral blood flow disorder and promotes the development of intraoperative brain bulge in patients with severe traumatic brain injuryMedicine, Research & ExperimentalEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH4.98128110.1186/s40001-023-01100-y
69Wei, Yong;Liao, Tianran;Shangguan, Xinchang;Ouyang, Manduo;Lin, Bingqiang;Chen, Xianqiang;Chen, Zhiyong;Zheng, EnshuangA multi-analysis of nomogram model for the identification of banded adhesions and matted adhesions in adhesive small bowel obstructionEmergency MedicineEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY2.374

70She, Dejun;Huang, Hao;Guo, Wei;Jiang, Dongmei;Cao, DairongGrading meningiomas with diffusion metrics: a comparison between diffusion kurtosis, mean apparent propagator, neurite orientation dispersion and density, and diffusion tensor imagingRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY7.034

71Chen, DongningGenomic Profiling and Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibition plus Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition in FH-Deficient Renal Cell CarcinomaUrology & NephrologyEUROPEAN UROLOGY24.267832163-172
72Liu, Yafei;Wan, Zhanou;Liao, DalinEfficacy of enteral nutrition for patients with acute pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 17 studiesMedicine, Research & ExperimentalEXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE2.75125410.3892/etm.2023.11883
73Sun, XinhaiFerroptosis, necroptosis and cuproptosis: Novel forms of regulated cell death in diabetic cardiomyopathyCardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsFRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE5.84610
74Wu, Bo;Zhang, Chenlu;Zhang, Yanbin;Song, Wei;Lin, ShuqiongThe relationship between the pan-immune-inflammation value and long-term prognoses in patients with hypertension: National Health and Nutrition Examination Study, 1999-2018Cardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsFRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE5.84610
75Xiao, JunTotal Arch Replacement With Frozen Elephant Trunk Using a NEW Brain-Heart-First Strategy for Acute DeBakey Type I Aortic Dissection Can Be Performed Under Mild Hypothermia (>= 30 degrees C) With Satisfactory OutcomesCardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsFRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE5.8469
76Lin, Tianlai;Huang, Ling;Dai, Xiaodong;Chen, Xiaoling;Zhang, HonglingMicrobiological diagnostic performance of metagenomic next-generation sequencing compared with conventional culture for patients with community-acquired pneumoniaImmunology; MicrobiologyFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY6.07313
77Zhang, Qi-Liang;Chen, Xiu-Hua;Zhou, Si-Jia;Lei, Yu-Qing;Huang, Jiang-Shan;Chen, Qiang;Cao, HuaRelationship between disorders of the intestinal microbiota and heart failure in infants with congenital heart diseaseImmunology; MicrobiologyFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY6.07313
78Wang, Xiuqing;Li, Jingling;Zhang, Shujun;Zhou, Wen;Huang, XiaojingpH-activated antibiofilm strategies for controlling dental cariesImmunology; MicrobiologyFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY6.07313
79Su, DaoqingMicroglia-mediated inflammatory destruction of neuro-cardiovascular dysfunction after strokeNeurosciencesFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE6.14717
80Wang, Xuezhen;Wu, Yufan;Li, Xiaoxia;Hong, Jinsheng;Zhang, MingweiLog odds of negative lymph nodes/T stage ratio (LONT): A new prognostic tool for differentiated thyroid cancer without metastases in patients aged 55 and olderEndocrinology & MetabolismFRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY6.05514
81Sh, Yuan;Chen, ZhongqingActive regression model for clinical grading of COVID-19ImmunologyFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY8.78614
82Yue, RongcaiAnti-cyclooxygenase, anti-glycation, and anti-skin aging effect of Dendrobium officinale flowers' aqueous extract and its phytochemical validation in agingImmunologyFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY8.78614
83Zheng, Jie;Wang, Yong;Hu, JunStudy of the shared gene signatures of polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and autoimmune uveitisImmunologyFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY8.78614
84Xu, WeihongSARS-CoV-2 induces cytokine storm hyperinflammatory responses in RA patients through pyroptosisImmunologyFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY8.78613
85Wu, Jun-Yi;Huang, Wen-Tao;He, Wen-bin;Qiu, Fu-Nan;Dai, Gao-Fan;Lv, Jia-HuiLong-term outcomes of anatomic vs. non-anatomic resection in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with hepatolithiasis: A multicenter retrospective studyMedicine, General & InternalFRONTIERS IN MEDICINE5.05810
86Cai, Wenjie;Chen, WanhuaIntegrative epigenome profiling of 47XXY provides insights into whole genomic DNA hypermethylation and active chromatin accessibilityBiochemistry & Molecular BiologyFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES6.11310
87Xiao, NaianDeep multi-modal intermediate fusion of clinical record and time series data in mortality predictionBiochemistry & Molecular BiologyFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES6.11310
88Yu, Youfen;Xu, Xueru;Liu, Rongguo;Lin, ChunSystematic identification of potential key microRNAs and circRNAs in the dorsal root ganglia of mice with sciatic nerve injuryNeurosciencesFRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE6.26116
89Zheng, Jinmei;Sun, Bin;Lin, Ruolan;Zheng, Enshuang;Xue, YunjingBasilar artery plaque distribution is associated with pontine infarction and vertebrobasilar artery geometryClinical Neurology; NeurosciencesFRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY4.08614
90Yang, Mei;Yu, Jiami;Wang, Xiaojie;Guo, ZengqingDe novo Creation and Assessment of a Prognostic Fat-Age-Inflammation Index FAIN in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Cohort StudyNutrition & DieteticsFRONTIERS IN NUTRITION6.599
91Hong, Hanyin;Yu, JiandaToripalimab in combination with Anlotinib for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma after SBRT: A prospective, single-arm, single-center clinical studyOncologyFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY5.73813
92Chen, Yu;Song, Mengjie;Zhang, Yanyu;Yu, Xingxing;Zou, Shuqing;Zhu, Pingxiu;Yang, HaominThe temporal trend of women's cancer in Changle, China and a migrant epidemiological studyOncologyFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY5.73813
93Lin, Kong-ying;Zeng, Yong-yiPerioperative and long-term survival outcomes of laparoscopic versus open hepatectomy for BCLC stage A large hepatocellular carcinoma patients in difficult segments: A two-centre, propensity score matching analysisOncologyFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY5.73813
94Lin, Yingying;Huang, Shan;Qi, Yuanjie;Xie, Li;Jiang, Junying;Li, Hua;Chen, ZhiweiPSGL-1 is a novel tumor microenvironment prognostic biomarker with cervical high-grade squamous lesions and moreOncologyFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY5.73813
95Zheng, Caihong;Wen, Yahui;Fu, Chengbin;Lin, Shunguo;Han, Hui;Han, Zhonghua;Xu, ChunsenClinical characteristics and overall survival prognostic nomogram for metaplastic breast cancerOncologyFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY5.73813
96Zhou, Ke-Zhao;Wu, Kang;Deng, Lin-Xuan;Hu, Man;Luo, Yu-Xiang;Zhang, Li-YanProbiotics to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants: A network meta-analysisPediatricsFRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS3.56911
97Zhu, ShaoxingAutophagy-related gene LAPTM4B promotes the progression of renal clear cell carcinoma and is associated with immunityPharmacology & PharmacyFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY5.98814
98Zhang, Qian;Feng, XianquanHypoxia-ameliorated photothermal manganese dioxide nanoplatform for reversing doxorubicin resistancePharmacology & PharmacyFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY5.98814
99Shang, XiulingMeasuring the efficiency of public hospitals: A multistage data envelopment analysis in Fujian Province, ChinaPublic, Environmental & Occupational HealthFRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH6.46111
100Wu, Qinde;Xie, XianyuEstablishment and application of the performance appraisal system for hierarchical diagnosis and treatment in China: A case study in Fujian provincePublic, Environmental & Occupational HealthFRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH6.46111
101Chen, Xinyao;Lin, Fabin;Xu, Xiongjie;Chen, Chunmei;Wang, RuiDevelopment, validation, and visualization of a web-based nomogram to predict the effect of tubular microdiscectomy for lumbar disc herniationSurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.56810
102Cheng, Xuefei;Wang, Chuandong;Zhou, Liyuan;Lin, Zhizun;Zeng, Wei;Liu, Lihang;Yang, Changshun;Li, Weihua;Zhang, XiaojuanEffects of different radical distal gastrectomy on postoperative inflammatory response and nutritional status in patients with gastric cancerSurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.56810
103Lu, Tao;Lin, Bin;Zhang, Yan-ping;Zhang, Jian-hui;Luo, Jie-Wei;Tang, Yi;Fang, Zhu-TingEighteen cases of renal aneurysms: Clinical retrospective analysis and experience of endovascular interventional treatmentSurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.56810
104Chen, Wenhao;Su, Zhiming;Liu, Quan;Bai, Xinxin;Huang, Jiyue;Chen, Min;Weng, ShaohuangRisk factors and new diagnostic index for deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities in elderly patients with traumatic femoral neck fractureSurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.5689
105Yang, Yuanfeng;Ding, Feng;Xu, Tianbao;Pan, Zhen;Zhuang, Jinfu;Liu, Xing;Guan, GuoxianDouble-stapled anastomosis without dog-ears reduces the anastomotic leakage in laparoscopic anterior resection of rectal cancer: A prospective, randomized, controlled studySurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.5689
106Hong, Zhi-Nuan;Weng, Kai;Chen, Zhen;Peng, Kaiming;Kang, MingqiangDifference between Lung Age and Real Age as a Novel Predictor of Postoperative Complications, Long-Term Survival for Patients with Esophageal Cancer after Minimally Invasive EsophagectomySurgeryFRONTIERS IN SURGERY2.5689
107Ghareeb, Waleed M.;Wang, Xiaojie;Chi, Pan;Zhao, Xiaozhen;Xie, MeirongThe terminal line: a novel sign for the identification of distal mesorectum end during TME for rectal cancerGastroenterology & HepatologyGASTROENTEROLOGY REPORT4.06310
108Feng, Ye;Xu, Ting;Xu, Yiying;Wu, Ziyi;Hong, Huiling;Chen, Jiawei;Qiu, Xiufang;Ding, Jianming;Huang, Chaoxiong;Li, Li;Chen, Chuanben;Fei, Zhaodong;Fu, XiaobinDo all patients at the initial stage of nasopharyngeal carcinoma need bone metastasis screening? A retrospective studyOtorhinolaryngology; SurgeryHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK3.821

109Wong, Li Ping;Lin, YulanEffectiveness of Dengue Awareness Calendar on Indigenous Population: Impact on Knowledge, Belief and PracticeHealth Care Sciences & Services; Health Policy & ServicesHEALTHCARE3.1611510.3390/healthcare11050637
110Li, Zhitao;Sun, Xinyu;He, Jia;Kong, DongyanIdentification of a hypoxia-related signature as candidate detector for schizophrenia based on genome-wide gene expressionGenetics & HeredityHUMAN HEREDITY1.455

111Chen, GangBlood Pressure Levels, Cardiovascular Events, and Renal Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease Without Antihypertensive Therapy: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort StudyPeripheral Vascular DiseaseHYPERTENSION9.897803640-649
112Ke, Dian-shanIL-17A inhibits the degradation of RANKL in osteoblasts by inhibiting BCL2-Beclin1-autophagy signalingCell Biology; Developmental BiologyIN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL2.723

113Feng, Shunhang;Lin, Jiansheng;Zhang, Xiaoyan;Hong, Xin;Xu, Wanyin;Wen, Yancheng;She, FeifeiRole of AlgC and GalU in the Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance of Helicobacter pyloriInfectious Diseases; Pharmacology & PharmacyINFECTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE4.17716
114Zhang, Weiqin;Chen, Silu;Shen, Xianying;Qiu, Zhaojun;Kong, YueThe effect of abdominal massage on enteral nutrition tolerance in patients on mechanical ventilation: A Randomized Controlled StudyNursingINTENSIVE AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING4.23575
115Xiao, Suli;Lei, Huaxiang;Li, Pingping;Ma, Dianfu;Chen, Shuai;Huang, XiaojingIs oxidative stress involved in the hepatic inflammatory response to apical periodontitis? A comparative study in normal and hyperlipidaemic ratDentistry, Oral Surgery & MedicineINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL5.165

116Wang, Zhiqing;Chen, En;Cai, Wei;Chen, Lianglong;Tu, ShengxianDynamic assessment of the left main-left circumflex bending angle: Implications for ostial left circumflex artery in-stent restenosis after successful two-stent PCICardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY4.039378
117You, Qi;Chen, Jia-Yin;Wu, Xiao-Hui;Xue, Yu-Ting;Sun, Jiang-Bo;Wei, Yong;Zheng, Qing-Shui;Xue, Xue-Yi;Chen, Dong-Ning;Xu, NingA Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation-Related Index Associate with Biochemical Recurrence and Tumor Immune Environment of Prostate Cancer PatientsBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES6.20824610.3390/ijms24065515
118Luo, BaolinPredictive Model of Functional Exercise Compliance of Patients with Breast Cancer Based on Decision TreeObstetrics & GynecologyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH2.5915
119Xu, GuoxingPerfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops for Dry Eye Disease Associated With Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Chinese Patients A Randomized Clinical TrialOphthalmologyJAMA OPHTHALMOLOGY8.253

120He, Fei;Ye, WeiminPoor Oral Health as a Risk Factor for Dementia in a Swedish Population: A Cohort Study with 40 Years of Follow-UpNeurosciencesJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE4.16921171-181
121Huang, Bingbing;Luo, Xiangmin;Wu, Ruiyun;Qiu, Lingling;Huang, Xiaolan;Wu, Jinxiang;Lin, ShuEvaluation of non-invasive gene detection in preimplantation embryos: a systematic review and meta-analysisGenetics & Heredity; Obstetrics & Gynecology; Reproductive BiologyJOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS3.357

122Kang, Deyong;Xu, Meifang;Han, Zhonghua;Guo, Wenhui;Fu, Fangmeng;Wang, ChuanCombining the guidelines and multiphoton imaging methods to improve the prognostic value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancerBiochemical Research Methods; Biophysics; OpticsJOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS3.39

123Qiu, Han-FanDoes the obesity paradox exist after transcatheter aortic valve implantation?Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems; SurgeryJOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY1.52217110.1186/s13019-022-01910-x
124Dai, HanhaoUncemented Tibial Fixation Has Comparable Prognostic Outcomes and Safety Versus Cemented Fixation in Cruciate-Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsMedicine, General & InternalJOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE4.96412510.3390/jcm12051961
125Wu, Wanhong;Lin, Rongfang;Ke, Meng;Ye, Lingling;Lin, CuihongPhysiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Characterizes the Drug-Drug Interaction Between Saxagliptin and Rifampicin in Patients With Renal ImpairmentPharmacology & PharmacyJOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY2.86

126Chen, Dehua;Lin, Shan;She, Dejun;Chen, Qi;Xing, Zhen;Cao, Dairong;Zhang, YuApparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Differentiation of Common Pediatric Brain Tumors in the Posterior Fossa: Different Region-of-Interest Selection Methods for Time Efficiency, Measurement Reproducibility, and Diagnostic UtilityRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingJOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY2.081472291-300
127Huang, ChenshenTranditional Roux-en-Y vs Uncut Roux-en-Y in Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy: a Randomized Controlled StudyGastroenterology & Hepatology; SurgeryJOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY3.267

128Feng, XiaomingLong-term follow-up of donor-derived CD7 CAR T-cell therapy in patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaOncology; HematologyJOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY23.16816110.1186/s13045-023-01427-3
129Cai, LiangzhiMolecular engineering to red-shift the absorption band of AIE photosensitizers and improve their ROS generation abilityMaterials Science, BiomaterialsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B7.57111143252-3261
130Pan, Maoen;Luo, Wei;Yang, Yuanyuan;Teng, Tianhong;Huang, HeguangAbsorbable 3D-printed pancreaticojejunostomy device with a dual-layer drug coating for the prevention of postoperative local recurrence of pancreatic cancerMaterials Science, Multidisciplinary; Metallurgy & Metallurgical EngineeringJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY10.319154
131Shi, Zhong-Mou;Xue, Zheng-Jie;Chen, Wen-Jun;Tang, Yan-Bin;Chen, Du-Juan;Qi, Xin-Yi;Huang, Li;Zou, Yi-Qing;Wu, Xiao-Zhi;Yang, Fei;Jing, Jun-JieStellate ganglion block ameliorated central post-stroke pain with comorbid anxiety and depression through inhibiting HIF-1 alpha/NLRP3 signaling following thalamic hemorrhagic strokeImmunology; NeurosciencesJOURNAL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION9.58720110.1186/s12974-023-02765-2
132Zhan, Yuping;Su, Li;Lin, Qiaojing;Pan, Xiaoxian;Li, Xiaoxia;Zhou, Weitong;Zhang, Weijian;Hong, JinshengPrognostic Value of Serum Transferrin Level before Radiotherapy on Radio-Sensitivity and Survival in Patients with Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaHealth Care Sciences & Services; Medicine, General & InternalJOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE3.50813310.3390/jpm13030511
133Zhang, Bingqing;Li, Xueyong;Cheng, Yu;Lin, Hailing;Que, Wancai;Liu, Maobai;Qiu, Hongqiang;Wu, Chaoyang;Chen, Yiying;Chen, Bo;Zhou, Lili;Zhang, HuiDetermination of polymyxin B in human plasma and epithelial lining fluid using LC-MS/MS and its clinical application in therapeutic drug monitoringChemistry, Analytical; Pharmacology & PharmacyJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS3.571227
134Zeng, Lingjun;Ke, Yuejiao;Zheng, Changqing;Song, Hongtao;Liu, Zhihong;Hu, Xiaomu;Zhou, XinRemote Loading of Hydrophilic Drug into Cubosomes by Transmembrane pH-Gradient and Characterization of Drug- Loaded Cubosomes Prepared by Different MethodChemistry, Medicinal; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Pharmacology & PharmacyJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES3.78411241119-1129
135Chen, LingfanComparison of Database Searching Programs for the Analysis of Single-Cell Proteomics DataBiochemical Research MethodsJOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH5.372241298-1308
136Lin, Zhen-wei;Dai, Wei-li;Lai, Qing-Quan;Wu, HongDeep learning-based computed tomography applied to the diagnosis of rib fracturesMultidisciplinary Sciences; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingJOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH AND APPLIED SCIENCES1.77316210.1016/j.jrras.2023.100558
137Yan, TingAcute Kidney Injury After General Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisSurgeryJOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH2.417287
138Li, NingLigation to Scavenging Strategy Enables On-Demand Termination of Targeted Protein DegradationChemistry, MultidisciplinaryJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY16.383145137218-7229
139Chen, Shaogeng;Kang, Mingqiang;He, Rongqi;Lin, Xianzuan;Zhang, Wanfei;Chen, Heshan;Xu, RongyuPTMA binds to HMGB1 to regulate mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and thus affect the malignant progression of esophageal squamous cell carcinomaRespiratory SystemJOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE3.005

140Zhang, Hai;Yang, Litao;Lin, Jiangbo;Zhang, ZhenyangPerioperative outcomes of neoadjuvant immunotherapy plus chemotherapy and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a retrospective comparative cohort studyRespiratory SystemJOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE3.005

141Chen, Xingyong;Mao, Yanguang;Xiao, Dongyun;Lin, Zejing;Huang, Yiyi;Zhang, Xu;Wang, Yinzhou;Guo, Yueting;Liu, Ying ChunLMP2 deficiency causes abnormal metabolism, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, myelin loss and neurobehavioral dysfunctionsMedicine, Research & ExperimentalJOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE8.4421110.1186/s12967-023-04071-0
142Ruan, Guan-Yu;Yu, Li-Rui;Mao, Xiao-Dan;Sun, Peng-Ming;Ye, Li-Xiang;Zhang, Shui-Hua;Lin, Jian-Song;Lin, Hong-Yu;Wang, Cheng-YanAn integrated approach of network pharmacology, molecular docking, and experimental verification uncovers kaempferol as the effective modulator of HSD17B1 for treatment of endometrial cancerMedicine, Research & ExperimentalJOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE8.4421110.1186/s12967-023-04048-z
143Zhang, Lingyu;Wang, Tingjun;Xu, Guoyan;Xie, Liangdi;Shen, Yihua;Luo, LiIncreased plasma homocysteine levels are associated with left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients with normal renal function.Physiology; Urology & Nephrology; Peripheral Vascular DiseaseKIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH3.096

144Xiao, Heng;Lin, Jianwei;Lin, Chenxin;Guo, Xiaojing;Cai, Huimin;Lin, Xing;Ye, ShengnanThe value of 3D quantitative scoring of endolymphatic hydrops in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Meniere's diseaseOtorhinolaryngologyLARYNGOSCOPE INVESTIGATIVE OTOLARYNGOLOGY2.542

145Peng, Hewei;Zhang, Junchao;Huang, Xianhua;Xu, Miao;Peng, Xian-E.;Wu, YunliDevelopment and validation of an online dynamic nomogram based on the atherogenic index of plasma to screen nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Nutrition & DieteticsLIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE4.31522110.1186/s12944-023-01808-0
146Liu, Wenbin;Tu, Raoping;Li, YuepingSex-related differences in the hypertriglyceridemic-waist phenotype in association with hyperuricemia: a longitudinal cohort studyBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Nutrition & DieteticsLIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE4.31522110.1186/s12944-023-01795-2
147Tang, LinaContrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System in Hepatocellular Carcinoma <= 5 cm: Biological Characteristics and Patient OutcomesOncology; Gastroenterology & HepatologyLIVER CANCER12.43

148Lin, SuThe utility of non-invasive tests to assess advanced fibrosis in Asian subjects with chronic hepatitis B and concomitant hepatic steatosisGastroenterology & HepatologyLIVER INTERNATIONAL8.754

149Ji, Wei;Chen, XiaoyangHand-Schuller-Christian syndrome combined with empty sella syndrome: A case report and literature reviewMedicine, General & InternalMEDICINE1.8171021010.1097/MD.0000000000033216
150Wang, RuiAll optical artificial synapses based on long-afterglow material for optical neural networkChemistry, Physical; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Physics, AppliedNANO RESEARCH10.269

151Chen, Yanpin;Ke, Longfeng;Chen, JiayouPlasma extracellular vesicle phenotyping for the differentiation of early-stage lung cancer and benign lung diseasesChemistry, Physical; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, MultidisciplinaryNANOSCALE HORIZONS11.684

152Wu, Zi-YiEstablishment and validation of a plasma oncofetal chondroitin sulfated proteoglycan for pan-cancer detectionMultidisciplinary SciencesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS17.69414110.1038/s41467-023-36374-7
153Ye, XianrenMechanism of regulation of the Helicobacter pylori Cag beta ATPase by CagZMultidisciplinary SciencesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS17.69414110.1038/s41467-023-36218-4
154Wang, Changsheng;Chen, Rongsheng;Zhu, Xitian;Zhang, XiaoboSuberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid Ameliorates Pain Sensitization in Central Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury via the HDAC5/NEDD4/SCN9A AxisBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; NeurosciencesNEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH4.414

155Li, Chunwang;Liu, Penghui;Wang, Haojie;Zhuo, Lingyun;He, Qiu;Lin, Yuanxiang;Kang, Dezhi;Lin, Fuxin;Huang, Weilin;Kang, Yaqing;Ma, KeA novel KRIT1/CCM1 mutation accompanied by a NOTCH3 mutation in a Chinese family with multiple cerebral cavernous malformationsGenetics & Heredity; Clinical NeurologyNEUROGENETICS3.017242137-146
156Chen, Pinzhong;Chen, Xiaohui;Zhang, Honghong;Chen, Jianghu;Lin, Mingxue;Qian, Haitao;Gao, Fei;Gong, Cansheng;Zheng, Xiaochun;Zheng, TingDexmedetomidine Regulates Autophagy via the AMPK/mTOR Pathway to Improve SH-SY5Y-APP Cell Damage Induced by High GlucoseNeurosciencesNEUROMOLECULAR MEDICINE4.103

157Lin, Zhiqin;Liao, Dongxia;Lin, Fuxin;Lin, YuanxiangComparison of temporal-to-frontal horn shunt and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt for treatment of trapped temporal horn: a retrospective cohort studyClinical Neurology; SurgeryNEUROSURGICAL REVIEW2.846110.1007/s10143-023-01981-x
158Huang, FeifeiAn online 5-week professional identity program for nursing student in clinical rotation practice during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic: A two-arm randomized trialNursingNURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE3.4368
159Xu, Ying;Zheng, Qing-Xiang;Jiang, Xiu-Min;Guo, Sheng-Bin;Kang, Yu-Lan;Lin, Yu-Ping;Liu, Gui-HuaEffects of coping on nurses' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mediating role of social support and psychological resilienceNursingNURSING OPEN1.942

160Wang, Xin-Jun;Luo, Guang-Cheng;Xu, LinKnockdown of pyruvate kinase M2 suppresses bladder cancer progressionOncologyONCOLOGIE0.925137-50
161Xu, Yuan-tengChinese Expert Consensus on the Use of Biologics in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis (2022, Zhuhai)OtorhinolaryngologyORL-JOURNAL FOR OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY HEAD AND NECK SURGERY1.919

162Liu, WeiMultisystem ALK-positive histiocytosis: a multi-case study and literature reviewGenetics & Heredity; Medicine, Research & ExperimentalORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES4.30318110.1186/s13023-023-02649-x
163Cao, Fang;Hong, Fuyuan;Ruan, Yiping;Lin, MiaoEffect of Patient-Empowerment Interaction Model on Self-Management Ability of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Randomized Controlled TrialMedicine, General & InternalPATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE2.31417
164Zhu, Suqin;Lin, Dianliang;Chen, Xiaojing;Jiang, Wenwen;Xu, Huiling;Zheng, Beihong;Ye, ZhoujieGOLPH3 modulates expression and alternative splicing of transcription factors associated with endometrial decidualization in human endometrial stromal cellsMultidisciplinary SciencesPEERJ3.06111
165Chen, Han;Gong, Shu-Rong;Shang, Xiu-Ling;Li, Jun;Yu, Rong-GuoThe magnitude, but not the duration of elevated central venous pressure is associated with mortality in sepsis patients: An analysis of the MIMIC-IV databaseMultidisciplinary SciencesPLOS ONE3.75218210.1371/journal.pone.0281549
166Xu, Ning;Chen, Dong-ning;Lin, Yun-zhi;Wei, YongAdverse metabolic consequences of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) on Asian patients with prostate cancer: Primary results from the real-life experience of ADT in Asia (READT) studyEndocrinology & Metabolism; Urology & NephrologyPROSTATE4.012

167Wei, Yong;Zhang, Junrong;Pan, Jie;Xue, Chaorong;Lin, Bingqiang;Chen, Xianqiang;Chen, Zhiyong;Zheng, EnshuangAccuracy and applicability of the novel pneumoperitoneum three- dimensional volume rendering technique in adhesive small bowel obstructionRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingQUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY4.63

168Wang, Yiqian;Chen, Shaobin;Zhang, Wei;Xiao, Weixiong;Su, Jiawei;Zhang, Ruochen;Wei, Yongbao;Luo, MinImage quality evaluation of diffusion-weighted imaging in bladder cancer: a comparison between integrated slice-specific dynamic shimming and single-shot echo-planar imagingRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingQUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY4.63

169Shen, Li-Li;Zheng, Hua-Long;Lu, Jun;Chen, Qi-Yue;Xu, Bin-bin;Xue, Zheng;Lin, Jia;Huang, Chang-Ming;Zheng, Chao-HuiDelta computed tomography radiomics features-based nomogram predicts long-term efficacy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancerRadiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingRADIOLOGIA MEDICA6.313

170Li, Zhenzhou;Weng, Mengjie;Lin, Lizhao;Chen, Yi;Lin, Jiaqun;Cui, Jiong;Jiang, Dewen;Fu, Binbin;Li, Guifen;Chen, Caiming;Xu, Yanfang;Wan, JianxinAcute kidney injury in patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy: influencing factors and prognosisUrology & NephrologyRENAL FAILURE3.22245110.1080/0886022X.2023.2194451
171Chen, Weihua;Shi, ShanshanThe Association between Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Diameter and Long-Term Mortality in Patients with Coronary Artery DiseaseCardiac & Cardiovascular SystemsREVIEWS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE4.4324310.31083/j.rcm2403084
172Hua, BingzhuEfficacy and Safety of CMAB008 Compared with Innovator Infliximab in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Concomitant Methotrexate: A Randomized, Double-blind, Multi-center, Phase III Non-inferiority StudyRheumatologyRHEUMATOLOGY AND THERAPY4.081

173Wang, Zengbin;Pan, Banglun;Qiu, Jiacheng;Zhang, Xiaoxia;Ke, Xiaoling;Shen, Shuling;Wu, Xiaoxuan;Yao, Yuxin;Tang, NanhongSUMOylated IL-33 in the nucleus stabilizes the transcription factor IRF1 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells to promote immune escapeBiochemistry & Molecular Biology; Cell BiologySCIENCE SIGNALING9.5171677610.1126/scisignal.abq3362
174Ahn, YongFull-Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy Approach Selection A Systematic Review and Proposed AlgorithmClinical Neurology; OrthopedicsSPINE3.241488534-544
175Feng, JianjunValidation and effect of the NASA-TLX score on the assessment of the workload of pediatric robotic operationsSurgerySURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES3.453

176Lin, HuiziNovel rapid coordination of ascorbic acid 2-phosphate and iron(III) as chromogenic substrate system based on Fe2O3 nanoparticle and application in immunoassay for the colorimetric detection of carcinoembryonic antigenChemistry, AnalyticalTALANTA6.556258
177Chi, Liangjie;Wang, Xiangyu;Chen, Hongyuan;Xue, FangqinPaper-based photoelectrochemical immunoassay for ultrasensitive screening of carcinoembryonic antigen on hollow CdS/CdMoO4-functionalized photoanodeChemistry, AnalyticalTALANTA6.556254
178Tan, Meixia;Ke, Fang;Zhang, Zhiqiang;Lian, Nancheng;Wang, Changsheng;Zhang, FanA cyanine carbazole oxime fluorescent probe selectively detects hypochlorite in Hi5 cells and C. elegansChemistry, OrganicTETRAHEDRON LETTERS2.032118
179Li, He-Jun;Zheng, Yi-Qing;Chen, Ling;Lin, Shun-Ping;Zheng, Xiang-XiongRisk factors of significant relapse and appropriate maintenance therapy strategy in SLE-associated immune thrombocytopeniaPharmacology & PharmacyTHERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN CHRONIC DISEASE4.9714
180Liang, Mingqiang;Chen, ChunAn optimal thoracoscopic segmentectomy approach: Combined ultra-high-definition 4K endovision systems with no-waiting technique in S8-9 complex segmentectomyOncology; Respiratory SystemTHORACIC CANCER3.223

181Chen, Jiana;Zeng, Zhiwei;Fang, Zongwei;Ma, Fuxin;Lv, Meina;Zhang, JinhuaRisk factors for thrombolysis-related intracranial hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysisHematology; Peripheral Vascular DiseaseTHROMBOSIS JOURNAL5.50921110.1186/s12959-023-00467-6
182Zhang, Yaping;Wang, Lixing;Liu, Yifei;Yan, FurongMettl3-mediated transcriptome-wide m6A methylation induced by cigarette smoking in human bronchial epithelial cellsToxicologyTOXICOLOGY IN VITRO3.68589
183Lin, XuekeThe efficacy and safety of apatinib in patients with heavily pretreated end-stage cancer: a retrospective studyOncologyTRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH0.496

184Cai, Yi-JiaThe 100 most cited papers in nasopharyngeal carcinoma between 2000 and 2019: a bibliometric studyOncologyTRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH0.496

185Chen, YongjianUltra-Attention: Automatic Recognition of Liver Ultrasound Standard Sections Based on Visual Attention Perception StructuresAcoustics; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical ImagingULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY3.6944941007-1017
186Hu, Qingfu;Yu, Zongkai;Wang, ZhenhuaKnowledge atlas analysis of virtual vascular interventional studiesPeripheral Vascular DiseaseVASCULAR1.105

187Huang, Donghang;Zeng, Huanhong;Wang, ZhiqiangMinimal transcervical access single-port endoscopy-assisted thyroidectomy: a retrospective comparative studySurgeryVIDEOSURGERY AND OTHER MINIINVASIVE TECHNIQUES1.62718169-76
188Chen, Suyu;Shi, Hong;Huang, He;Dong, FangfenGas-alternating-water infusion method with/without internal traction assistance: a novel technique of endoscopic submucosal dissection for large colorectal tumors regardless of gravity directionSurgeryVIDEOSURGERY AND OTHER MINIINVASIVE TECHNIQUES1.627174716-721
189Zeng, Yi;Chen, Lu-Chuan;Ye, Zai-ShengExamined lymph node count for gastric cancer patients after curative surgeryMedicine, General & InternalWORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES1.5341191930-1938
190Wen, Zhu-Mei;Feng, Hui-Juan;Li, Sheng-Cong;Zhang, Yu;Liu, Li-JuanBetter performance of PIVKA-II for detecting hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic liver disease with normal total bilirubinGastroenterology & HepatologyWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY5.3742981359-1373



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